Occupational Therapy

“Occupations” are activities that we want or need to do, which bring meaning and value to our lives. Occupational Therapists help strengthen and develop the skills children need to play, learn, self-regulate, engage with peers, be independent with self-care, and any number of other meaningful childhood occupations!

Occupational Therapy Addresses

✓ Play Skills

✓ Developmental Milestones

✓ Social Skills

✓ Sensory Integration

✓ Fine Motor Dexterity

✓ Strength and Endurance

✓ Bilateral Coordination

✓ Upper Body and Core Strengthening

✓ Visual-Motor Integration

✓ Feeding and Oral Motor Skills

✓ Activities of Daily Living such as Feeding, Bathing, Toileting, Grooming, Dressing, etc.

✓ Attention

✓ Handwriting Skills

✓ Behavioral Difficulties

✓ Range of Motion

✓ Muscle Strength, Muscle Tone

✓ Balance, Coordination, and Motor Planning

✓ Positioning

✓ Postural Control

Help your child reach their goals with Stride!